Monday, July 6, 2009

holding out for a hero...

my boyfriend shares a slight resemblance to Milo Ventimiglia aka Peter Petrelli of Heroes. A friend even went as far as to dub him Toni Petrelli, Peter and Nathan's Filipino-born half brother.

Anyway, I have pieced together a montage of photos of both guys because I didn't go down for lunch because Toni has been really, really perfect lately. *tear* I don't know Milo but he seems like a sweet guy too. :p


  1. hahaha! toni petrelli's my dad and peter petrelli's my fart. anyhow its remarkable that u havent been fighting that much...kudos! have to suck up for lady gaga...*wink*wink*

  2. Hahahaha! Yeah we'll be nice to him...very, very nice. Its all for Lady Gaga!!! She's worth the sacrifice.

  3. I <3 milo!
    Such cute pictures and I can see the similarities!!

  4. mr petrelli xD
    See my blog too, and follow if you want
